With Amnesty International

Campaign for Global Justice

Mapping international support and legal action against perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide

Amnesty International’s new Campaign for Global Justice calls for international support and legal action against perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. The site launched on International Justice Day, marking the creation of the International Criminal Court in 2002.

With built-in navigation, the map shows a comprehensive picture of Amnesty’s current work around the world and countries’ support of the International Criminal Court - shown through map layers visualizing data on support of action, justice, and reparations. Twitter and a YouTube video are embedded into the map, encouraging viewers to pass the site on and follow Amnesty’s call to demand justice.

Tools powering the map

All maps were made in our open source design studio TileMill and are hosted on MapBox. We used our open source map site templates as the base for the site, and enhanced the narrative with zooming through the lightweight javascript library Easey. The collection of maps and interactivities is embedded as an iframe within the larger campaign site.

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